Modernization of reciprocating compressors and transferring them to work without lubrication

One of the achievements and competitive advantages of our company is the development of new technically complex direction of transferring reciprocating compressors to work without lubrication.
Our company has a significant experience in this field and provides a full range of services: from theoretical calculations to performance in metal and mounting on a position (all calculations are performed by Philosophy Doctor).
As a result of modernization the efficiency of work of intermediate and after cooler increases because the probability of formation of oil film significantly reduces. It ultimately leads to reduction of thermal stress in the whole compressor. The causes of fouling and dirt on the valves because of oil are eliminated that greatly increases their endurance and overall durability. Entrainment of oil into compressed air is stopped that makes unnecessary air filter at the output of the compressor.
The financial costs for the repair and maintenance of the compressor are reduced, as well as the acquisition of the oil lubricator for lubrication of the compressor cylinders.